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How to Make the Most of Bring a Friend Week!

Bring a Friend Week is an exciting tradition here at Clarion Center for the Arts and our next one is coming up soon! But here's the thing about Bring a Friend Week... we need YOU, the parents, to make the week a memorable moment for your kiddo. Your level of participation in the event and how much you talk it up to other parents will indicate to your child your thoughts and views on their classes.

Do you believe in the value of your kiddo's classes? Do you care for your friends enough to tell them about it so they can give their kids the same benefit? ;-)

Coming to class without a guest during Bring a Friend Week is no fun. Our teachers will be doing partner activities and engaging all the friends in fun ways, and there's nothing like the pride that kids have when they show their friends how awesome their classes are. Be your child's hero and make sure they come to class with a friend!

Here are some tips on how to make sure Bring a Friend Week is the best it can be for you and your kiddo...

1. Give the friend a heads up. You wouldn't send birthday party invitations out the week of the party, right? Well, make sure you start talking to a friend now so they have plenty of time to arrange their calendar and prioritize Bring a Friend Week. Give them the details about the date, the time, the location and what to wear/bring. (P.S. Just something comfy they can move in!)

2. Have the parent complete an invitation form. We'll be handing out physical invitations the week before Bring a Friend night with details for your friend on what to expect and how to prepare. The invitation also has a release form on the back that a parent must sign in order for the friend to participate. The parent's contact information and signature must be complete. Our teachers don't like having to turn away kiddos because the release form isn't filled out!

Download the invitation below if you missed getting one in class! Just make sure your friend knows the correct date to attend!

Bring a Friend Invitations
Download PDF • 119KB

3. Talk about it before class. Let your child know ahead of time that their friend will be joining them for class. Prompt them to make their friend feel welcomed and to look out for their friend during class. Help them think of some ways they can encourage their friend and be compassionate.

4. Tell the parent about the opportunity to enroll. After friends attend Bring a Friend Week, we encourage them to enroll in our 2-Week Intro Program for just $19.99. This gives kids the chance to try out the class for another 2 weeks. Plus, we provide them with the dance shoes they need in order to get the full CCA experience. Once their 2-Week Intro is completed, then they can officially enroll as a full-time student!

Don't forget about our referral program! For every student you refer to us, you get $25! The student must be enrolled for an entire month before we credit your account or give you the cash.

These four steps are the best way to make the most out of Bring a Friend Week for your kid, their friend and yourself! It's a win-win-WIN kind of scenario. Your kid will love you, their friend will love the class, and your wallet will love the extra cash!

So get out there and start inviting some friends!

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