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Parent Portal 101

Login to your Parent Portal to discover all the fun things you can do there! (If you don't have your login info, email the office.) Select a topic below to learn how to use it!

Parent Portal Topics:


Class Info

1. To see what classes your student is enrolled in or what classes are coming up, click on the "Manage Students" icon.

2. From here you can click on "My Weekly Schedule" to view a printable list of all classes or click on a class below to view its details.

This is the "My Weekly Schedule" printable view.


Contact Info

1. To update your phone number, email or address, click on Account > Account Settings. If you every find that your missing our emails and they aren't ending up in your spam folder, check your account settings to ensure you are subscribed to our emails. You can "resubscribe" from this page if you find you have unsubscribed at some point.


Student Report Card

1. Go to Manage Students and click on "Report Card."

The Report Card tracks the Skills & Terms that your kiddo has unlocked and what badges they still need to achieve.



1. To make a payment or update your payment method, click on the "Make Online payment" icon.

2. Here you can make a payment or click on "Automatic Payments" to update your payment method.

3. Click on "Add Payment Method" to change your preferred payment. Once you've added a new payment method you can delete an old one.

If you would like to avoid the processing fee for automatic payments, you can set up a Bank Account as your default payment method instead of a debit/credit card. For a more detailed explanation on how to do this, see the blog post below.


Bulletin Board

1. Click on the "Bulletin Board" icon or the "Go to Bulletin Board>>" link to view notes specific to your student or classes.

2. Click on the Email History tab to view a list of emails sent by us.

If you get an email informing you of any unread notes, the Bulletin Board is where to find them.


Shared Files

Click on the "Shared Files" icon to access Studio Files, Class Files and Class Music.

2. Class Files and Class Music will have the specific class it goes with listed next to it.



1. To report an upcoming absence, click on the "Attendance" icon.

2. From here you can view your absences by class or click the "Report Absence" button to let us know if you won't be at class.



1. If you're ever invited to book an appointment (i.e. Parent Conference, Solo Rehearsal, Music Lesson), you can do so by clicking on the "Book Private Lesson" icon.

2. From here, you can view your upcoming appointments by clicking on the "My Appointments" button or schedule a new appointment by clicking the "Schedule" button next to the type of appointment you wish to schedule.


If you have any questions concerning your Parent Portal, please reach out and ask!

Call or Text: 814-319-5631

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